Monday 23 January 2012

Valentine's Day Gifts for him

If you are shopping for your man, this handy list of the top 10 Valentine’s Day Gifts for men should help you out.
February – the month of hearts is here again captivating everyone around the world. It has always been a tradition to celebrate and give gifts to loved ones and friends who are dear to us in order to thank them in the simplest or grandest way possible and remind them that they are being cared and thought of more often that what they expect. However, no gift is either too small or too big as long as it is sincerely given unsecured loans.
As early as mid-January, every store has started to highlight this occasion by setting up red decors and each has always a gift to offer for men to give to their lovely ladies. But who says Valentine’s Day is just about women receiving lavish gifts and nicely arranged bouquets from men? Shouldn’t they be reciprocated as well?
Perhaps the sweetest things are those given by daughters, wives and girlfriends to the most important men in their lives. But finding the best gift for men can be hard at times especially if the giver is somewhat unfamiliar with the recipient’s preferences. Thus, here are some of the top 10 Valentine’s Day bad credit loans gifts for men:
1.    Sports car – Although this may sound expensive, those who can afford it like celebrities and well-known personalities should perhaps surprise their heroes by giving them their dream cars and have ride together for a romantic dinner date. Try to get a hint of their favorite car brands. But of course, if they don’t just have any preference in particular, among the best sport car brands are Ferrari, Subaru, Porsche and BMW.
2.    A Classy Watch – While women love diamond rings, men just love to flaunt their watches and brag about the specs. Like cars, this could be a perfect gift for them. Aside from that, men get to remember their loved ones every time they check the time. Rolex watches are great buys but for those who might find it heavy on the pocket, Fossil, Seiko and Guess are also good brands.
3.    Tickets for a Big Game – Basketball, football and baseball could be good options. Men are dying to watch their favorite NBA Championship Game live. Why not give them a special treat that would make them meet their favorite stars?
4.    Vacation Getaway – Nothing can be so romantic spending the Valentine’s Day week together on a beach or cottage away from hassles. So take your week off and savor the moment together. This is a perfect moment to bond with and get to know each other better.
5.    Latest Techno Gadgets – Just like cars and watches, gadgets boost men’s egos. Aside from such fact, these are basic necessities. For electronic savvy men, give them iPad or a new laptop to remind them of you wherever they go. What about a camera? A new DSLR camera on the other hand would surely fit for men whose interests are on photography or purchase a camera and enroll them as well in basic photography classes to develop this as a hobby.
6.    Sports Stuffs and Clothes – To help men tone down their muscles and live a healthful life free from complications brought about by obesity or excessive weight, give those exercising equipments and aids. Perhaps, a prepaid gym package would also be a good gift.
7.    Wellness Treatment – Spa treatments and massage would make them feel they are really pampered as well the way they pamper their ladies. This is indeed a great way to reciprocate them of the affection and love they have shown.
8.    Grooming Products Set – Now, men would no longer have excuses over their women’s complaints. Give them the best of these grooming sets to make sure they would be using them. Grooming products may include perfumes. Wearing their favorite scents would make them feel good as well.
9.    DVDs – Men who keep themselves updated with the latest movies should have DVD sets. Others who love particular TV shows should be given a series also for them to enjoy every episode while thinking that those were given by their loved ones to make them truly happy.
10.    Books and Magazines – The last but definitely not the least among these top 10 Valentine’s Day gifts for men. Buy those that feature their interests and read those also in order to set more common grounds when conversing.

The Countdown Begins For The Top 10 Valentine’s Day Gifts for Men

These are the top 10 Valentine’s Day gifts for men. Just remember that adding creativity would give a twist, making it more romantic. Whatever ways people may share it, romance is definitely in the season. So ladies, just take the chance of making the men of your lives feel how much they are cared reminding both of you that all the worthwhile moments spent together.
So, what are you waiting for ladies? Make your list or pick from the suggestions and make them head over heels this Valentine’s Day with all these top 10 Valentine’s Day gifts for men.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Your Chinese Zodiac Animals

The Chinese Zodiac plays a part in Emperor. Players select their zodiac animals before playing and each game year is represented by a different zodiac animal. If you hold a New Year's Festival in your selected animal's year you will receive a choice of special bonuses or a gift.
The lunar calendar has a sixty year unsecured loans cycle. In the Chinese horoscope, the five basic elements of Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth, which make up all matter, are combined with the twelve animal signs of Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig to form the sixty year cycle. One's Chinese horoscope is based on which lunar year in this sixty year cycle one was born To discover your zodiac animal and element find your birth date in the list below.


The Rat is hard working and thrifty, sometimes even stingy, but Rats also like to spend money on themselves. The opposite sex finds them attractive, and in love, the Rat is very generous. Rats are usually timid, but they can also become angry quickly. They are open and honest, but do like to gossip. Rats are opportunists who are quick to seize the advantage in a situation.
31 Jan 1900 to 18 Feb 1901 Metal,  18 Feb 1912 to 5 Feb 1913 Water,
5 Feb 1924 to 24 Jan 1925 Wood,   24 Jan 1936 to 10 Feb 1937 Fire,
10 Feb1948 to 28 Jan 1949 Earth,  28 Jan 1960 to 14 Feb 1961 Metal,
15 Feb1972 to 2 Feb 1973 Water,  2 Feb 1984 to 19 Feb 1985 Wood


The Ox likes an ordered and calm life, has strong organizational bad credit loans skills and is usually professionally successful. The Ox is normally gentle and outgoing and attractive to the opposite sex. The placid appearance of the Ox, however, often conceals a stubborn temper that is easily aroused and hard to calm. The Ox is always aware of the problems and sorrows of the world and always trying to find solutions.
19 Feb 1901 to 7 Feb 1902 Metal,  6 Feb 1913 to 25 Jan 1914 Water,
25 Jan 1925 to 12 Feb 1926 Wood,  11 Feb 1937 to 30 Jan 1938 Fire,
29 Jan 1949 to 16 Feb 1950 Earth,  15 Feb 1961 to 4 Feb 1962 Metal,
3 Feb 1973 to 22 Jan 1974 Water,  20 Feb 1985 to 8 Feb 1986 Wood


Tigers are usually brave, powerful, strong and stubborn. They are born leaders, but do not make good followers and like to see every job they start through to the end. Tigers care deeply about the feelings of loved ones and friends, but often conceal their own feelings. They are usually respected, but not always understood.
8 Feb 1902 to 28 Jan 1903 Water,  26 Jan 1914 to 13 Feb 1915 Wood,
13 Feb 1926 to 1 Feb 1927 Fire,  31 Jan 1938 to 18 Feb 1939 Earth,
17 Feb 1950 to 5 Feb 1951 Metal,  5 Feb 1962 to 24 Jan 1963 Water,
23 Jan 1974 to 10 Feb 1975 Wood,  9 Feb 1986 to 28 Jan 1987 Fire


Rabbits are happy and optimistic and are full of youthful energy. They are peacemakers who like to create a friendly atmosphere wherever they are. Rabbits care about clothes, food, and their surroundings in general. Rabbits can be moody and even arrogant occasionally, but they are clever and fortunate and lead peaceful lives.
29 Jan 1903 to 15 Feb 1904 Water,  14 Feb 1915 to 2 Feb 1916 Wood,
2 Feb 1927 to 22 Jan 1928 Fire,  19 Feb 1939 to 7 Feb 1940 Earth,
9 Feb 1951 to 26 Jan 1952 Metal,  25 Jan 1963 to 12 Feb 1964 Water,
11 Feb 1975 to 30 Jan 1976 Wood,  29 Jan 1987 to 16 Feb 1988 Fire


The Dragon is generally regarded as the most fortunate of the zodiac signs, and during a Dragon Year, the Chinese birth rate soars. The Dragon is strong, energetic and authoritative; they are also, however, unpredictable and often eccentric. Dragons can be stubborn and selfish, but also have a strong moral code. They are usually successful in anything they undertake and lucky in love.
16 Feb 1904 to 3 Feb 1905 Wood,  3 Feb 1916 to 22 Jan 1917 Fire,
23 Jan 1928 to 9 Feb 1929 Earth,  8 Feb 1940 to 26 Jan 1941 Metal,
27 Jan 1952 to 13 Feb 1953 Water,  13 Feb 1964 to 1 Feb 1965 Wood,
31 Jan 1976 to 17 Feb 1977 Fire,  17 Feb 1988 to 5 Feb 1989 Earth


Snakes are sensitive, but decisive, and good at long-term friendships though they may often prefer staying home to socialising. Snakes are normally wise, intelligent and kind. Once offended, however, the Snake will always seek revenge. Snakes are attractive to the opposite sex, but do not make the most faithful marriage partners. They prefer their own judgement to taking advice from others and can be proud and arrogant though always willing to help those in need.
4 Feb 1905 to 24 Jan 1906 Wood,  23 Jan 1917 to 10 Feb 1918 Fire,
10 Feb 1929 to 29 Jan 1930 Earth,  27 Jan 1941 to 14 Feb 1942 Metal,
14 Feb 1953 to 2 Feb 1954 Water,  2 Feb 1965 to 20 Jan 1966 Wood,
18 Feb 1977 to 6 Feb 1978 Fire,  6 Feb 1989 to 26 Jan 1990 Earth


Horses are independent, self-confident and popular. Horses can be a bit vain, but they know how to enjoy and make the most of life and its pleasures. They have strong leadership qualities and are often skilled orators. Impatience, temper, and ambition are their weak points.
25 Jan 1906 to 12 Feb 1907 Fire,  11 Feb 1918 to 31 Jan 1919 Earth,
30 Jan 1930 to 16 Feb 1931 Metal,  15 Feb 1942 to 4 Feb 1943 Water,
3 Feb 1954 to 23 Jan 1955 Wood,  21 Jan 1966 to 8 Feb 1967 Fire,
7 Feb 1978 to 27 Jan 1979 Earth,  27 Jan 1990 to 14 Feb 1991 Metal


Rams are the gentlest and most peaceful of the zodiac animals. They can be shy and uncertain and enjoy a simple life. They are interested in spiritual things and often are strong believers in religion. Rams are artistic, often are day-dreamers and may respond well to having someone to protect and guide them throughout life.
13 Feb 1907 to 1 Feb 1908 Fire,  1 Feb 1919 to 19 Feb 1920 Earth,
17 Feb 1931 to 5 Feb 1932 Metal,  5 Feb 1943 to 24 Jan 1944 Water,
24 Jan 1955 to 11 Feb 1956 Wood,  9 Feb 1967 to 28 Jan 1968 Fire,
28 Jan 1979 to 15 Feb 1980 Earth,  15 Feb 1991 to 3 Feb 1992 Metal


Monkeys are the most active of the zodiac animals. They are intelligent, clever, and great problem-solvers. They are warm-hearted, but can be cunning and manipulative sometimes. Monkeys tend to be self-centered and often arrogant. Monkeys find it difficult to settle down with just one partner, but once a commitment is made, they are loyal.
2 Feb 1908 to 21 Jan 1909 Earth,  20 Feb 1920 to 7 Feb 1921 Metal,
6 Feb 1932 to 25 Jan 1933 Water,  25 Jan 1944 to 12 Feb 1945 Wood,
12 Feb 1956 to 30 Jan 1957 Fire,  29 Jan 1968 to 16 Feb 1969 Earth,
16 Feb 1980 to 4 Feb 1981 Metal,  4 Feb 1992 to 22 Jan 1993 Water


The Rooster is intelligent, honest, and intuitive. They enjoy being the center of attention, are straightforward and rarely accept the advice of others. Roosters are good at financial management. In marriage, they are responsible and dedicated.
22 Jan 1909 to 9 Feb 1910 Earth,  8 Feb 1921 to 27 Jan 1922 Metal,
26 Jan 1933 to 13 Feb 1934 Water,  13 Feb 1945 to 1 Feb 1946 Wood,
31 Jan 1957 to 15 Feb 1958 Fire,  17 Feb 1969 to 6 Feb 1970 Earth,
5 Feb 1981 to 24 Jan 1982 Metal,  23 Jan 1993 to 9 Feb 1994 Water


Dogs are intelligent, responsible, and fair. They are totally loyal and trustworthy as friends. Dogs are emotional, but often have difficulty expressing their feelings and therefore often give the impression of being cold and aloof. They are suited for positions requiring a high degree of integrity as well as intelligence
10 Feb 1910 to 29 Jan 1911 Metal,  28 Jan 1922 to 15 Feb 1923 Water,
14 Feb 1934 to 3 Feb 1935 Wood,  2 Feb 1946 to 21 Jan 1947 Fire,
16 Feb 1958 to 7 Feb 1959 Earth,  7 Feb 1970 to 26 Jan 1971 Metal,
25 Jan 1982 to 12 Feb 1983 Water,  10 Feb 1994 to 30 Jan 1995 Wood


Pigs are affectionate, hard-working, brave, kind and innocent. They are always willing to help others and of all the animals, the Pig probably suffers most and may be treated badly. Pigs are talented and clever and love reading and learning. They make wonderful marriage partners.
30 Jan 1911 to 17 Feb 1912 Metal,  16 Feb 1923 to 4 Feb 1924 Water,
4 Feb 1935 to 23 Jan 1936 Wood,  22 Jan 1947 to 9 Feb 1948 Fire,
8 Feb 1959 to 27 Jan 1960 Earth,  27 Jan 1971 to 14 Feb 1972 Metal,
13 Feb 1983 to 1 Feb 1984 Water,  31 Jan 1995 to 18 Feb 1996 Wood

Monday 16 January 2012

Best attire - Golden Globes

For the second year running, Claire Danes was a picture of polished perfection. Last year it was Calvin Klein, this year it was a J. Mendel gown - a classic cut in basic black and unsecured loans white with detailing at the shoulders and waist.
The always elegant Winslet did not disappoint in this Jenny Packham black and white gown.
Natalie Portman, Angelina Jolie
It's great to see Jolie forgo her favoured muted gowns and subtle cuts to embrace Old Hollywood glamour.
Bright pink always pops on the red carpet and the contrast fold at the bust of Portman's Lanvin gown adds interest.
Tilda Swinton, Helen Mirren
Texture can be tricky but Mirren wears it well. The navy is an elegant touch.
Pale blue lacks punch but the edgy cut of her Haider Ackerman makes this outfit bad credit loans worthy of a nod. The quiff hair-do raises it up a notch or two as well.
Sarah Hyland, Emma Stone
Lovely in plum and fuschia Lanvin with an eagle belt to add a rock'n'roll edge.
Latte coloured lace gown teamed with a black lace belt, this look is all about understated elegance. Hyland manages to look poised even after splitting the back zip of her dress whilst on the red carpet. Luckily someone had a sewing kit on hand.
Rooney Mara and Evan Rachel Wood
Who'd have thought Lisbeth Salander could look so elegant? Strategic cut-outs add interest to this Nina Ricci gown, and the black turns it into a dark and mysterious style statement.
Feathers, sequins and a mermaid train - how can something so wrong look so right? But it does.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Coachella California

The Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival will expand to a three-day event for the first time in 2007 when it overtakes the Empire Polo Field in Indio, Calif. on April 27-29. The following weekend (May 5-6), Coachella promoters Goldenvoice will launch an as-yet-unnamed country music festival at the same venue, featuring George Strait, Kenny Chesney, Sugarland and Willie Nelson.

According to a spokesperson, the new event will sport four performance stages: the main stage, an "outlaw" stage, a bluegrass stage and a "storytelling" area, the latter of which will feature appearances by "Prairie Home Companion" creator Garrison Keillor and Texas poet laureate Red Steagall.

Lucinda Williams, Emmylou Harris, Nickel Creek, Ricky Skaggs, Earl Scruggs and Sparrow Quarter featuring Bela Fleck will also perform at the inaugural festival, which was booked by Coachella producer Paul Tollett, Louis Messina of TMG/AEG Live and Steve Moore of AEG Live Nashville. unsecured loans

"Kenny and George committed immediately and they love the idea," Messina tells "This is the first year, and I think this is soemthing that's going to be around for a long time and grow into something really special. This is Paul's dream, and I'm just happy to lend a hand."

Ironically, while country music is a consistently strong seller in southern California, the area's lone country station, KZLA, abandoned the format in favor of a pop playlist earlier this year. bad credit loans

The expansion comes eight years into Coachella's existence, during which time the event has become the premiere yearly musical destination for thousands of fans around the world.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Valentines day - down the pan

valentine's Day is slamming on the front door! It's a day to enjoy love. This is a day to take pleasure from the spirit of togetherness, binding and long term dedication. The actual fact of Valentine's Day is in everlasting love which goes over and above some time and limitations. It indicates love, interest and eternity. Real love understands no bounds and lovers go beyond their way to convey the things they feel for each other. A day to color almost everything reddish, the bright coloring of love and care!
Valentine is all about giving Valentine’s Day gifts to someone special. It's the day to fill up his / her daily life with presents which links heart. This is a day for proposals, for dating and showing internal heart and excitement.
You will find unique Valentine gifts on . Presents which will express emotions true to your heart. Delivering Valentine’s Day gifts to Mumbai to your beloved isn't a simple job and also you have to develop the very best ideas! unsecured loans comes with an unlimited collection to select from while choosing the ideal present for the event. Lovely arrangements of red roses will always be special on Valentine's Day. You may make your love feel valuable by sending various designs of roses which communicate your heart! Wonderful bouquets like Lilies, Gerberas and Carnations whenever gifted to your dearest can make it remarkable from the rest. Brownies and Candies of various tastes will always be an origin of joy. A yummy cake along with “I Love You” topping on its top sends the concept in a amazing style. Candies using their enchanting taste and darkish texture help to show the emotions in their own special way! Gift Hampers can't be compared with anything else. They provide a great glow the day. Different Gift Hampers on  help fans to show how they really feel. Valentine's Shopping vouchers from major bad credit loans companies like Pantaloons, Big Bazaar, CafĂ© Coffee Day, Domino’s along with a number of others are a category act. Desserts, Wall structure Photographs, Fresh fruits and Green tea Sets are special gifts for this stunning event of love.

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