Wednesday 9 May 2012

Deer hunting tips

Get Good at Shed Hunting

1. Being good at shed hunting can give you insight to what bucks you have on your property and where they hang out.
2. Look in the think stuff for sheds. Bucks love cover and the thick brush can knock off a loose antler leaving it for you to find.
3. Many sheds are found anywhere a buck has to jump. A ditch or fence crossing can offer a shed antler that has been jolted loose.
4. Be sure to check the south facing ridges for sheds. Deer frequent these areas in early spring to soak up the sun.

Use Game Trail Cameras

5. Digital deer scouting is cutting edge and trail cameras are the number one tool.
6. Use a mineral lick or salt block during the off season to bring deer into trail camera range.
7. Remember to bring an extra memory card and batteries every time you check your game cameras.
8. Locate your cameras where they are easily accessible so you don’t over-pressure the deer.
9. Position your camera to the north for the best quality pictures.
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10. A part of seeing bigger bucks is letting the smaller ones walk.
11. Designate a few acres of your property as a deer sanctuary where it is safe for them to go.
12. Post keep out signs around your sanctuaries and safe zones so other hunters don’t wonder in.
13. Be cautious of bucks circling downwind anytime you rattle or call.
14. Use scents and lures conservatively. Many mature bucks have made a connection between man and scent overuse during the fall.
15. During the rut, find the bucks by locating the does.
16. Rattling techniques are most effective during the pre-rut phase before bucks lock down with a doe.
17. Most mature trophy bucks are killed between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m during peak breeding season.
18. Hunt the edges of thickets and the nastiest overgrown areas you can find. Bucks love heavy cover.
19. The snort wheeze is a great call to use on an aggressive buck.
20. Don’t be afraid to make a move on a buck. Most successful hunters tweak their stand locations once they gain more insight on buck movement.
21. If moving a tree stand is too risky, consider making a natural blind to ambush a buck.
22. Don’t call or grunt to a buck that is already heading your way.
Shooting & Recovery Tips
23. From a tree stand, come to full draw while standing upright like normal, then bend at the waist bringing the pin down to the target.
24. It’s always best to be patient and wait for the right shot to open up.
25. Anticipate a nervous buck taking off as soon as he hears the bowstring (ducking the arrow). Aiming a little lower can result in a better shot.
26. Don’t shoot further than what you are comfortable shooting. Stay within your comfortable range.
27. Have enough respect for a mature buck to let him walk if he doesn’t offer a good shot.
28. Pay close attention to a deer’s reaction after taking a shot to determine where it is hit.
29. Do your part and harvest does to keep the herd in check.
30. Listen once a deer runs off. Many times you will hear them crash after they are out of sight.
31. If you are unsure of the shot placement wait it out. Remember, when in doubt – wait it out!
32. Note the direction a deer runs after being shot. Use landmarks as a guide.
33. Examine your arrow for an indication of the shot placement. Hair and blood color can be a sign where your arrow hit.

General Hunting Tactics

34. Hunt bottlenecks, funnels, pinch points, and trail hubs.
35. Play the wind in addition to scent control clothing or scent killing spray.
36. Deer can see movement from a long ways, use slow motion if you have to move while on stand.
37. Don’t make any human sounds that aren’t natural to a deer’s environment. Coughing, banging equipment against a metal stand, or your cell phone ringing will ruin a hunt.
38. If you are going to carry one call make it a grunt tube.
39. Check the wind direction several times an hour and get down if it switches to your disadvantage.
40. Don’t overuse deer calls. Deer don’t call as often as deer call makers would like you to think.
41. Scanning think cover with a good pair of binoculars is a great way to spot a bedded buck.
42. Leave your rangefinders in a handy spot in case you need them quick.
43. Use rangefinders to mark yardages around your tree stand prior to a deer coming in.
44. Always let a loved one know where you’ll be sitting in case something unforeseen happens.
45. Hunt the travel corridors between bedding and feeding areas during the early season.
46. Leave your bow or gun where you can easily grab it with little movement.
47. Stalking deer can be more successful on windy or rainy days. A deer’s hearing and sight are lessened during these conditions.
48. Be sure to wear a facemask or face paint to hide the familiar contours of your face.
49. Cover shiny equipment that might reflect light and look unnatural with paint or camouflage tape.
50. Deer move in all types of weather. Take advantage of foul weather when other hunters are sleeping in and you could score big.
51. In no way should you ever hunt with broadheads that may be dull. Keep your practice broadheads separate from your hunting broadheads.
52. Keep deer from patterning you by using different routes to and from your stand sites.
53. A pee bottle is a must. Bring an empty plastic bottle with a lid in case you’ve got to go.

Scent Control Tips

54. Activate your scent control clothing several time throughout the hunting season.
55. Be sure to shower with scent free soap and shampoo before every hunt.
56. Use field spray on all your clothing, boots, and equipment. unsecured loans
57. Don’t ride in a car or truck with your hunting clothes on. It’s better to dress in the field or outside your vehicle once you arrive.
58. Storing your hunting clothes in a scent free bag or container is essential.
59. Use scent eliminating breath spray.
60. Wear rubber hunting boots as opposed to scent absorbing canvas or leather.
61. Wear layers of clothing to stay warm. Plus you can take off a layer or two if you get hot.
62. Use cover scents that are natural to your area or you might spook game.
Following these deer hunting tips can certainly help you to have a more successful hunting season.

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