Friday 11 May 2012

Monument to Saints Cyril and Methodius

In 1992 during the celebration of the Day of Slavonic literature and culture a monument to the creators of the Cyrillic alphabet was put up in Moscow. Their names are Cyril and Methodius, they were two Christian missionaries born in Thessaloniki in the 9th century.

The Old Slavonic inscription on the pedestal says "To Saints Equal-to-the-Apls, teachers of the Slavs Methodius and Cyril from grateful Russia". Later linguists found 5 spelling bad credit loans errors in this phrase, including two errors in the word Russia.

Who were Cyril and Methodius? More than a thousand years ago these two brothers came from Byzantium to the Slavic lands to preach the doctrine of Christ. It is known that Cyril received a brilliant education in Constantinople and later taught at the University of Magnavr, one of the greatest educational institutions of those times. In the year 862, at the request of the ambassadors of Prince Rostislav, the brothers Cyril and Methodius were charged with high mission - teaching and preaching Christianity in the Slavic language in the distant Moravia.

Cyril and Methodius devised a new alphabet to translate the Bible  from the Greek language. However, the Roman Church didn't approve these efforts and accused the brothers of heresy. At that time only three sacred languages were recognized: Hebrew, Greek and Latin. In 879 Methodius got official permission of worship in the Slavonic language. He later was able to translate the Old Testament.

Isn't it paradoxical that the monument being a symbol of Slavic unsecured loans writing has so many mistakes? Your Moscow tour guide can show you the sculpture to Cyril and Methodius during your Moscow tours.

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